the first blog..moved to as of 9/27/2012
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Christmas deadlines
My bookplates can be found here
For all the other goodies, time is really running out! Today ONLY you can get 60% off round bookplates plus free shipping by going here and using JINGLESALE42 as your coupon!!!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Christmas is coming and the goose is gettin' ....
But we can still have a nice holiday without spending money we don't have, or money we need for other things.
1) Buy less new stuff, but shop locally (and among small businesses over chains). When you shop locally, the taxes paid go into your local economy - and you are supporting small businesses around you.
Many places have a local shopping day after Thanksgiving - even if you think you can't do all your holiday shopping locally and want to take advantage of discounts and coupons the chain stores will be offering, set aside a day and a dollar amount or percent to commit to your local shops - and have fun shopping locally!
2) Shop early (it's not too late - start now!) and take advantage of coupons and discounts. I have some in here.. you just need to do a tag search for coupons -- you can get 15% off on bookplates until Dec 10th with one!
3) Something old, something new -- along with that low budget but nice new gift from a local merchant, how about a quality "used" item?
Goodwill and other second hand stores make good places to shop. Why not? Make sure used puzzles have all the pieces, but Goodwill has things that aren't used, too. Be a second hand store yourself - what do you have that you can re-gift? I have a cam corder I never use and a second camera, too - both are going to be re-gifted to family members, along with new gifts.
4) Make what you can. It is true, home made gifts are appreciated. What? You aren't a creative type? Hey, there are all kinds of gifts you can make that require little creativity or even effort. How about a framed photo of a picture you took? An inexpensive mug with a dry cocoa mix for hot chocolate and a peppermint stick candy stirrer? The library has lots of magazines with ideas - the internet is filled - do a search...
Here's a place to start...
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Packaging isn't really boring...
Of course, they weren't environmentally correct. I'm surprised we weren't ahead of the crowd on eco-packaging given the founder, Ernest Morgan's, beliefs but he was long gone. Not ..gone.. just retired. In any case, last year I got rid of the plastic packaging and replaced it with my own version. Plain brown paper, twine, a label I designed on the back and a bookplate on the front.
So far no complaints and in fact some compliments from you all. The downside is time as the bookplates are wrapped by hand, the old fashioned way. Nope, I don't have the luxury of employing someone to package so these are done by hand with each order by yours truly. I try to do it with patience and tenderness - but it does take a long time.
Hope you all like the look. (and by the way, if you dig around in here, you'll find the 15% off coupon good til December 10th)....
Monday, October 18, 2010
Esty and Me...
I made some knit hi-top sneakers for my grandson, starting with a pattern I'd found and then throwing that away and developing my own. Then of course I couldn't stop and.. well, he only needs a pair or two, and not pink - so let's see if they work on Esty... I hope so. I love making these little cuties!

Here's a link to my NEW Esty shop!
Only one item to start, though it can be adjusted to fit size and color for individual customers.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
I'm startin' my Christmas shoppin'
![]() |
Knit Pumpkin outfit for my grandson |
In any case, I'd like to point out a few things to my valued customers!
First, if you place an order, you receive an e-mail that has a coupon in it to use on your next order.
Second, if you create an account when you place an order, I manually go in and set you up as a repeat customer - this gives you a 10% discount every time you place an order, as long as you log in first using your account.
Third, if your order is over $50.00 before shipping, you get FREE shipping - even if you're in Canada, Australia or Britain.
And Fourth, if you read my blog, periodically you'll find additional coupons in them - this time the coupon starts now and is good until December 10th, giving you a 15% discount. This is on top of the 10% return customer discount. If you don't have a return customer discount - or if you've never place an order - you can STILL get that 15% discount just for taking the time to read all the way down here! All you have to do is type in (without the " " ) "HOLIDAY2010" when you get to the check-out section, where it asks for any coupon codes.
Coupon can be used once. Pass it on.
Simple, yes?
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Here's a Coupon on my Zazzle shops!
You can also use this in my Nana's Alley Shop or my Quaker Shop...
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Springtime and Your Feet

The photo I took in early March, of a bird in a budding bush with snow says something to me. Hope! Every year I find myself surprised when Spring really does start to emerge, though you would think by now I would "know" it's a sure thing.
Then again, the older I get, the more thankful I am that I get to see another Spring. Maybe that's where the surprise is - not that Spring is here, but that I've lived to see it! Huzzah!!
Trying to segue gracefully, then, into the marketing ... I do find that with the advent of Spring, I'm more willing to go outside. And needing new shoes. Yes, yes, that's it. And so .. one needs special shoes! Keds high tops for some.. though what seems popular in my shop are these

No such thing as too many books
I kid you not, I've sold more than two pairs of shoes in my booklovers section...
My reward to myself should I shed the extra pounds I packed on over the winter will be a pair of new shoes...probably high tops... but I cannot decide which ones...if you feel so inclined, check out my booklover (and other) Ked shoes
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Is it spring yet?
Bookplate, of course

Flowery Ex Libris Bookplate
and matching clothing... (shouldn't your clothing match your bookplates?)

Flowery Nana Shirt by Nanas_Alley

Flowery Nana's Girl Shirt

Nana - bright flowers for her by Nanas_Alley
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Of snow and thoughts on fear of setting up an account with Friendly Spirit
We're in the beginning, I think, of round two of the Big Snowstorm of 2010 here in Ohio... the East Coast (from whence I came) is getting it much worse, so I am not about to complain. Just reflecting on how the power these days seems to go out, and stay out, more often than it did when I lived back East.
Even if the electricity manages to last through this bought of snow (it did fine through Round #1) I anticipate that the weight of the snow has got to do something to the connection to the internet at some point. Not a huge problem except that means I can't receive orders or process them until it's back on... we'll see how she goes.
Meanwhile, about setting up accounts -- much like "why don't people use discount coupons?" I find it puzzling when repeat customers don't set up accounts. It makes it easier to fill out the information to ship to stuff. There's nothing about credit cards or ss# or any of that personal stuff I wouldn't share with my own mother. Perhaps they think I'm a huge conglomerate (5'6, 140 pounds.. is that really THAT huge?) or that I'll bombard them with e-mails....
Actually, this blog is taking the place of most e-mails sent out to customers, aside from order confirmations which are all automatic. So, no, setting up the account just means you log in if you can remember your user name and password, and your bill to ship to info is all filled out.
I've also started adding those who have accounts to the special list of those who get a 10% discount, just for logging in (unless they have a wholesale account -- sorry, no double dipping!)...
Now, I could start on asking how come people who want to get wholesale won't open an account, even though the instructions explain you have to have an account, or I can't set you up as a wholesaler...
Perhaps there's the idea that I'm trying to lure people in to set up an account so I can collect information that will do something for me in a capitalist manner. Maybe there is something I could 'collect' but I simply am not sophisticated to know what it is.
There's really nothing evil in my intent to ask folks to set up an account - as far as I know, the account itself doesn't give me any information about people that I don't already get when an order is placed without an account (name, e-mail and shipping address).
And frankly, though I love doing business with my customers, I'm just not that into them...(I don't collect or sell info - as stated somewhere on my FAQ section).
Enough..time to go stare outside at the snow.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Coupons to start off the month!

You'll never find a cup of tea by friendlyspirit
Friday, January 29, 2010
Almost February!
That means this month's coupon will be running out... so for those coupon clippers out there, you can get 10% off of rectangular bookplates by typing in BLOGJAN2010 at check-out on Friendly Spirit's shop ... for a view of ALL products see here...
And there are new round mini bookplates coming up...the first one is this design, using graphics from The Original Mother Goose, provided by
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Have You Done Your Valentine's Shopping?
Valentine Mugs and Shirts for Booklovers!
Love Owls
CA shoppers go here UK shoppers go here AU shoppers go here NZ shoppers go here
Send Chocolate
CA shoppers go here UK shoppers go here AU shoppers go here NZ shoppers go here
I love Books
CA shoppers go here UK shoppers go here AU shoppers go here NZ shoppers go here
Anti-Valentine (or love) Mug
CA shoppers go here UK shoppers go here AU shoppers go here NZ shoppers go here
Reading is Sexy
CA shoppers go here UK shoppers go here shoppers go here NZ shoppers go here
I love books morphing mug
CA shopppers go here UK shoppers go here AU shoppers go here NZ shoppers go here
More Valentines for Booklovers stuff here
Friday, January 15, 2010
History of Antioch Bookplate Company
Go here ! Read and enjoy!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010
More designs, here, too!
* 50% of the business card net sale price will be deducted when one or more business card packs are purchased and the coupon code 2010BIZCARDS is applied at checkout. The net sale price is the price of the product (excluding shipping and taxes).
Offer is valid from January 11, 2010 at 12:01am PT through January 21, 2010 at 11:59pm PT.
Coupons good til the end of the month
Working on new designs to replace some of the Antioch designs that I will be out of stock on soon. It would be nice to get feedback from customers on these, so I will post the designs here and see what people think!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Shoveled and Mailed
Meanwhile, can one of you customers tell me why nobody uses the coupon(s) for an additional 10% discount? Is it because you want me to keep the money? :)
Friday, January 8, 2010
Snow Days
This is a snow day! Yes, I know -- Big Companies have their workers come to work and get those orders out no matter what!! I did make me come to work today. Orders are being filled and processed. But I won't make it to the Post Office today. Orders should go out tomorrow, God willing and the snow don't rise!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Coupon Lovers
So far (if I have entered information correctly) nobody but me.
That's fine, I don't take it entirely personally. I moved it from towards the bottom of my website to the top and put a note over it, letting people know they can get coupons by reading the blog.
Still no response. Are people afraid I am going to track them to their home, send telemarketers to their door, spam them?
Well, whatever.
In any case, here we go...
This month's coupon, good for the rectangular bookplates on my website, is ...
(oh, and in addition to this, you know, you get free shipping if you order over $50.00 worth of bookplates)
BLOGJAN2010 (One per customer)
TWITTERFIRST2010 (One per customer)
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
What is a bookplate for?

My daughter in law gave bookplates as gifts this Christmas and reported back that most of the recipients loved them! They thanked her and told her how they had been looking for something to mark their pages in their books.
Err and ummm.
That made me realize, it is really time to add something to my packaging that explains to people who are getting bookplates what these nice little things are. So I've designed these litle labels (shown above) which I'll attach to the packaging, hoping people will read it and find it helpful!
And speaking of packaging, over Christmas, I was finally able to get rid of plastic packaging and now use recyclable paper, tied with twine. A bookplate is on the outside. It has a nice look to it. The sticker above will be added to the back, in hopes that people will have an "aha" moment!
For those who still are not certain (because that's a tiny little label and the print is pretty small), I've also got some explanations they can read on-line and pass on to friends.
What is a bookplate and why would I want one?
Affixing Bookplates
Monday, January 4, 2010
Site problems
Dues have been paid. We're secure. Apologies for any who got scared off.
It's a New Year!
I'm working on getting out orders, and updating the website. Out with the old, in with the new!
Stationery products are the newest addition -- and they are still in the works -- stamps, personalized stationery, letterhead, notecards and co-ordinated stickers.
Mini bookplates are growing in popularity and choices!
For regular bookplates (the rectangular ones) there will be new ones added later in the season.
As to coupons -- you don't need one for the rectangular bookplates -- FREE First Class shipping on orders over $50.00 for customers in the US, Canada and the UK.
If you order from Friendly Spirit Booklover Gifts there are always coupons there! Today's coupon is 20.10% OFF Binders,
T-Shirts, & Mugs! LAST DAY! Use Code: NEWYOUZAZZLE
And there are MORE coupons good for now!
Use Promotional Code: BIZCARDSAVE1
10% off binders
10% of the binder net sale price will be deducted when one or more binders are purchased and the coupon code BINDERSDEAL1 is applied at checkout.
The net sale price is the price of the product (excluding shipping and taxes). Offer is valid from December 23, 2009 through April 1, 2010 at 11:59pm PT. This offer does not apply to past purchases and may not be combined with any other Zazzle promotional or volume discount offers. If a volume discount applies to your order, you will receive either the discount set forth in this offer or the standard volume discount, whichever is greater. Offer valid on only.
Expires 4/1/2010.
Use Promotional Code: BINDERSDEAL1
15% off calendars
15% of the calendar net sale price will be deducted when one or more calendars are purchased and the coupon code 15CALENDAR15 is applied at checkout.
The net sale price is the price of the product (excluding shipping and taxes). Offer is valid from December 23, 2009 through April 1, 2010 at 11:59pm PT. This offer does not apply to past purchases and may not be combined with any other Zazzle promotional or volume discount offers. If a volume discount applies to your order, you will receive either the discount set forth in this offer or the standard volume discount, whichever is greater. Offer valid on only.
Expires 4/1/2010.
Use Promotional Code: 15CALENDAR15
Custom Buttons
Get up to 36% off Custom Buttons
Create your own flair with Zazzle custom buttons. Perfect for campaigns, parties, rallies, reunions, weddings, birthdays, and more. Add your favorite photo, slogan, logos, or phrases and choose from hundreds of fonts and colors. Add flair to your outfit and express your message loud and clear.
41% off 20 or More Cards!
Zazzle greeting cards are the best way to send personalized messages. Browse thousands of card ideas for holiday greetings, new baby announcements, birthdays, wedding invitations or party invitations. Add your photos and text to any of our cards (templates too!) to make them your own.
$0.50 to $5 Off Postage Sheets
Make every letter a special delivery with your own customized postage! Volume discounts mean you can save $0.50, $1, $2, $3, $4 or even $5 per sheet.