Thursday, March 18, 2010

Here's a Coupon on my Zazzle shops!

Unique Booklover Gifts $5.00 off your next purchase of $20.00 or more: ERYPSKYAHBXHRMMQTOYK. This code expires on 3/25/2010.  (This is for my other shops, not the main bookplate shop)

You can also use this in my Nana's Alley Shop or  my Quaker Shop...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Springtime and Your Feet

Ah, Spring is in the air... finally... I look at it with non-commercial eyes, as well as with my marketeer view which I cannot seem to shake.

The photo I took in early March, of a bird in a budding bush with snow says something to me.  Hope!  Every year I find myself surprised when Spring really does start to emerge, though you would think by now I would "know" it's a sure thing.

Then again,  the older I get, the more thankful I am that I get to see another Spring. Maybe that's where the surprise is - not that Spring is here, but that I've lived to see it!  Huzzah!!

Trying to segue gracefully, then, into the marketing ... I do find that with the advent of Spring, I'm more willing to go outside.  And needing new shoes.  Yes, yes, that's it.  And so .. one needs special shoes!  Keds high tops for some.. though what seems popular in my shop are these

No such thing as too many books kedsshoe
No such thing as too many books

I kid you not, I've sold more than two pairs of shoes in my booklovers section...

My reward to myself should I shed the extra pounds I packed on over the winter will be a pair of new shoes...probably high tops... but  I cannot decide which ones...if you feel so inclined, check out my booklover (and other) Ked shoes