That is the question -- am I off my rocker?
My latest project is enough to make even me wonder. I don't worry so much about my wish to travel and live in an RV - even though from what I read, gas mileage will be between 8 and 11 mph.
In order to get there, there are all these THINGS I have to do about the house, noted in my last post. I am a great procrastinator...there's so much to do, and even giving myself a year.. so little time.
So, I came up with this plan for a way to motivate myself. I've already put the wheels in motion to get a HEL - next I need to get quotes on the things that need doing. Fine, fine. No big deal.. but more than that.... I feel overwhelmed when I look around at my yard and house, all the things I have to do. Lists are great, but you have to do something with the list!
My "do something" is to make this public announcement, complete with before pictures and post it, inviting people to watch as I fix up my house room by room.
Me, I'm a great "idea person" - it's the follow through that's my weak point. I'm hoping this will help -- I'm posting the link to that here and on the side too. For anyone who bothers to follow me (I have the feeling most of the time this is my diary, and I'm just talkin' to myself.. that works to I's a lonely life sometimes, no matter who you are!)
the first blog..moved to as of 9/27/2012
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Traveling itch
I have a headache. But it doesn't seem to be from overwork... it's that time of the year when my allergies kick in... ah well...
Spending my time patiently waiting for September, when everyone returns and starts realizing that the holidays are upon us. Will orders start pouring in? I'm not sure...
I've been working, if you want to call it that, on writing things for Squidoo, which is an online well, what is it? A place where people write all sorts of How to's and What nots ... Some of it is selling junk, but the majority of it is interesting and useful stuff... If you want to know how to do anything, or where to get anything, or if you have information to share, Squidoo is the place!
One of the things I want to research there is living the RV life full time. I'm not sure I'd ever have the nerve to do it.. ever being a short time period that I'll have to go about and do it.
But it appeals to me -- I wouldn't be traveling endlessly, mind you. In my mind, I'd like to sell my house, get rid of all the stuff I have accumulated and live in a somewhat small camper truck, going south in the winter and returning here in the summers. I fancy myself running my bookplate business out of it... it isn't difficult these days to have wifi hook-ups for your computer and printer; orders can be shipped from anywhere.
There is the sticky matter of all those bookplates I'd have to truck around, but they really don't take up that much space.
What is scary about this idea? I'm not mechanically inclined and one of the things I keep reading is, your vehicle is going to break down, you need to know how to fix it up.
I'm also not the neatest person and when you live in a small space, you have to be neat. There's only so much space for things -- and neatness counts in the way of cleanliness too. I read also about the bugs and insects that like to try to infiltrate.
A woman traveling alone - yes, that's a bit scary. I've done it before when I was much younger and more attractive. I've had bad things happen, too - but I survived. If I do this, I'll have a dog with me rather than a gun. Dogs are great companions (I have one now) and they tend to fend off intruders who decide to go find someone who doesn't have a dog.
Although I'm ready to go tomorrow in my mind, there is a huge list of things that would have to be done. I really don't like to do lists (heavy sigh here). My mother and youngest son both need to decide where they'd go. My son is fine with this, we've already talked. My mother is another story -- the first thing I have to tell her is, no, you can't come with me.
Then of course there's the house, which I mentioned before. It has to be tidied up a lot in order to be sold - but then it has to be tidied up a lot anyway. My financial situation isn't yet dire, but I don't have the 20,000 or 30,000 needed to do the updating needed.
A new roof, gutters, kitchen floor and counters -- some electrical wiring work too.
I want to go lie down when I think about it.
And stuff. I have stuff and stuff and stuff. I figure I will begin sorting it out, trashing a lot now, good willing some, and getting a lot of it ready for yard sales next spring. I do not use 3/4 of what I have, I swear.
My good furniture, what little I have... I suppose can be 'left' with my son and his wife, hoping that if I change my mind in a year, I can have it back.
My car. What do I do with my car? It isn't paid for yet - 3 more years. Ideally I'd love to give it to my youngest as his h.s. graduation present, but that would probably backfire on us. I suppose I could just sell it, though I hate to.
Keeping my bicycle. Yep.
There's the matter of my epilepsy - controlled. What would happen if... ?
I want to lie down again. It's a cross that bridge question. It's controlled. I drive.
To be free of most of my junk and free to roam, of course, does not mean I would be free. My youngest will be in college - payments have to be made. I'm not planning to be out of touch with family - and I have to establish a home base somewhere to register my car and my driver's license - and my business.... so I imagine it would still be here in Ohio.
Could rent my shabby home, I suppose, though the idea of being a long distance landlord doesn't appeal to me. My mother would jump at the change to move in here, though she can't afford full rent... that would be one solution. I could go home again.....
Guess I have ample time to think on it...
Spending my time patiently waiting for September, when everyone returns and starts realizing that the holidays are upon us. Will orders start pouring in? I'm not sure...
I've been working, if you want to call it that, on writing things for Squidoo, which is an online well, what is it? A place where people write all sorts of How to's and What nots ... Some of it is selling junk, but the majority of it is interesting and useful stuff... If you want to know how to do anything, or where to get anything, or if you have information to share, Squidoo is the place!
One of the things I want to research there is living the RV life full time. I'm not sure I'd ever have the nerve to do it.. ever being a short time period that I'll have to go about and do it.
But it appeals to me -- I wouldn't be traveling endlessly, mind you. In my mind, I'd like to sell my house, get rid of all the stuff I have accumulated and live in a somewhat small camper truck, going south in the winter and returning here in the summers. I fancy myself running my bookplate business out of it... it isn't difficult these days to have wifi hook-ups for your computer and printer; orders can be shipped from anywhere.
There is the sticky matter of all those bookplates I'd have to truck around, but they really don't take up that much space.
What is scary about this idea? I'm not mechanically inclined and one of the things I keep reading is, your vehicle is going to break down, you need to know how to fix it up.
I'm also not the neatest person and when you live in a small space, you have to be neat. There's only so much space for things -- and neatness counts in the way of cleanliness too. I read also about the bugs and insects that like to try to infiltrate.
A woman traveling alone - yes, that's a bit scary. I've done it before when I was much younger and more attractive. I've had bad things happen, too - but I survived. If I do this, I'll have a dog with me rather than a gun. Dogs are great companions (I have one now) and they tend to fend off intruders who decide to go find someone who doesn't have a dog.
Although I'm ready to go tomorrow in my mind, there is a huge list of things that would have to be done. I really don't like to do lists (heavy sigh here). My mother and youngest son both need to decide where they'd go. My son is fine with this, we've already talked. My mother is another story -- the first thing I have to tell her is, no, you can't come with me.
Then of course there's the house, which I mentioned before. It has to be tidied up a lot in order to be sold - but then it has to be tidied up a lot anyway. My financial situation isn't yet dire, but I don't have the 20,000 or 30,000 needed to do the updating needed.
A new roof, gutters, kitchen floor and counters -- some electrical wiring work too.
I want to go lie down when I think about it.
And stuff. I have stuff and stuff and stuff. I figure I will begin sorting it out, trashing a lot now, good willing some, and getting a lot of it ready for yard sales next spring. I do not use 3/4 of what I have, I swear.
My good furniture, what little I have... I suppose can be 'left' with my son and his wife, hoping that if I change my mind in a year, I can have it back.
My car. What do I do with my car? It isn't paid for yet - 3 more years. Ideally I'd love to give it to my youngest as his h.s. graduation present, but that would probably backfire on us. I suppose I could just sell it, though I hate to.
Keeping my bicycle. Yep.
There's the matter of my epilepsy - controlled. What would happen if... ?
I want to lie down again. It's a cross that bridge question. It's controlled. I drive.
To be free of most of my junk and free to roam, of course, does not mean I would be free. My youngest will be in college - payments have to be made. I'm not planning to be out of touch with family - and I have to establish a home base somewhere to register my car and my driver's license - and my business.... so I imagine it would still be here in Ohio.
Could rent my shabby home, I suppose, though the idea of being a long distance landlord doesn't appeal to me. My mother would jump at the change to move in here, though she can't afford full rent... that would be one solution. I could go home again.....
Guess I have ample time to think on it...
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Getting by
Back at work, I can't get myself much into the mood although thank GOD for those bookplate lovers out there who are helping me pay my bills! Not even halfway through the month and I've got about $100 to live on until next pay day. That's what happens when life throws things at you that aren't in your budget!
We'll manage -- moving money from here to there, stalling on some payments. I think of those commercials with the bald moustached guy selling computer software.."buy my products" he says with a slight southern accent. He's so trustful and charming, if I didn't already have most of those products, I'd truly consider it. But I want to say the same thing on my website, if I could just get people to it..."Buy my product".
There are a ton of bookplates out there to choose from. And all the other little items I've made to supplement the bookplates. Competition is so fierce that CafePress, which used to be the main place where I made and had my other items manufatured and shipped, is now competing with its own artists. They sell our items, too, for more than we do and with less commission to us -- but they have the big bucks to fill google ads up, so customers see them first.
What I can't figure is why a customer might see my Cat on Books, Life is Sweet items (my top seller!) in several locations if they do a Google search --

CafePress's more expensive version of my shirt, selling now at $28.00

Direct from my shop - same exact shirt, $22.99, shipping cost is the same

another location of mine where the same organic t-shirt is $19.95 and shipping is about the same..

and my highly recommended manufacturer, a local Ohio company $18.99 plus comparable shipping, and the work is done with consideration of fair trade and labor, as well as environmentally friendly processing. I'm slowly moving several of my designs here, but if I can't get folks to buy from anyone but CP, it seems hopeless!
instead of going to the original artist's store (that would be the second one up there) go directly to CafePress where, not only do they they pay more, the artists who sell there get much less due to CafePress's new procedures. Of course they don't know that, and there's no way I can say "buy my product here!" though I am gonna try!
The matching bookplate for that design is
running out - it was an Antioch bookplate design. That sounds like a sad and negative thing, but on the bright side, I have the rights to print this design on a bookplate of my own -- I'm thinking it will be a matching "Life is Sweet" design. I'm not sure if that will turn away some more serious bookplate buyers. Maybe a survey on my bookplate site is at hand!
We'll manage -- moving money from here to there, stalling on some payments. I think of those commercials with the bald moustached guy selling computer software.."buy my products" he says with a slight southern accent. He's so trustful and charming, if I didn't already have most of those products, I'd truly consider it. But I want to say the same thing on my website, if I could just get people to it..."Buy my product".
There are a ton of bookplates out there to choose from. And all the other little items I've made to supplement the bookplates. Competition is so fierce that CafePress, which used to be the main place where I made and had my other items manufatured and shipped, is now competing with its own artists. They sell our items, too, for more than we do and with less commission to us -- but they have the big bucks to fill google ads up, so customers see them first.
What I can't figure is why a customer might see my Cat on Books, Life is Sweet items (my top seller!) in several locations if they do a Google search --

CafePress's more expensive version of my shirt, selling now at $28.00

Direct from my shop - same exact shirt, $22.99, shipping cost is the same

another location of mine where the same organic t-shirt is $19.95 and shipping is about the same..

and my highly recommended manufacturer, a local Ohio company $18.99 plus comparable shipping, and the work is done with consideration of fair trade and labor, as well as environmentally friendly processing. I'm slowly moving several of my designs here, but if I can't get folks to buy from anyone but CP, it seems hopeless!
instead of going to the original artist's store (that would be the second one up there) go directly to CafePress where, not only do they they pay more, the artists who sell there get much less due to CafePress's new procedures. Of course they don't know that, and there's no way I can say "buy my product here!" though I am gonna try!
The matching bookplate for that design is

Friday, July 10, 2009
Back to work
I haven't left for Tennessee yet, so back to work. No doubt my customers are not checking my blog to follow my personal life!
One of the uses of a blog is to show what's new -- and to give little perks to those who use it. So, here's the news. For those who are on Facebook and follow Friendly Spirit there, you will find a coupon to use for a discount. The same with my Twitter followers.
As for those who don't I can tell you about new products at my non-Bookplate shops. Two new product lines added this summer.
First is the ".......always Welcome" line. This was inspired by the sign I saw on the door of my son's new house, when helping his family move this summer. He and his wife went to Woodstock this summer (omg, shades of my past, 40 years ago this summer, my husband asked if I wanted to go and I turned him down because I didn't want to take our year old baby!)
I loved that poster and decided to add a whole line of " "Welcome always" to my line of non-bookplate items, including the Hippy offer, which I didn't see much of on-line.
So, here are some of my Welcome signs -- these aren't just signs of course - they come as shirts and postcards, and I a couple of bumperstickers. The Hippy design can be converted to whatever someone wants, so the word "Hippies" can be replaced.
The Grandchildren always Welcome postcard already got some favorable comments! I really love the idea of sending out a postcard with a matching stamp to the grandchildren, letting them know they are always welcome -- but the Cats always welcome is also appealing!

And although it is a bit early, I've started on 2010 Calendars. Mine are almost all for booklovers - quotes and sayings of interest to booklovers. There's only one big one, a wall poster.

The rest are all sweet little pocket sized, or maybe slightly larger than pocket sized - postcard sized or greeting card sized. The prices are really nice - I know a lot of my customers like to buy inexpensive gifts to give as added gifts for friends, co-workers, family or book groups, and I think these will work. The Calendars can be seen here - I'll post more about them later, they really need their own spot!
One of the uses of a blog is to show what's new -- and to give little perks to those who use it. So, here's the news. For those who are on Facebook and follow Friendly Spirit there, you will find a coupon to use for a discount. The same with my Twitter followers.
As for those who don't I can tell you about new products at my non-Bookplate shops. Two new product lines added this summer.

First is the ".......always Welcome" line. This was inspired by the sign I saw on the door of my son's new house, when helping his family move this summer. He and his wife went to Woodstock this summer (omg, shades of my past, 40 years ago this summer, my husband asked if I wanted to go and I turned him down because I didn't want to take our year old baby!)
I loved that poster and decided to add a whole line of " "Welcome always" to my line of non-bookplate items, including the Hippy offer, which I didn't see much of on-line.
So, here are some of my Welcome signs -- these aren't just signs of course - they come as shirts and postcards, and I a couple of bumperstickers. The Hippy design can be converted to whatever someone wants, so the word "Hippies" can be replaced.
The Grandchildren always Welcome postcard already got some favorable comments! I really love the idea of sending out a postcard with a matching stamp to the grandchildren, letting them know they are always welcome -- but the Cats always welcome is also appealing!

And although it is a bit early, I've started on 2010 Calendars. Mine are almost all for booklovers - quotes and sayings of interest to booklovers. There's only one big one, a wall poster.

The rest are all sweet little pocket sized, or maybe slightly larger than pocket sized - postcard sized or greeting card sized. The prices are really nice - I know a lot of my customers like to buy inexpensive gifts to give as added gifts for friends, co-workers, family or book groups, and I think these will work. The Calendars can be seen here - I'll post more about them later, they really need their own spot!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Life is a Journey
It's been a busy week or so. My youngest son's girlfriend is staying with us for a couple of weeks - so two 17 year olds (though she just turned 18) in the house. Lots of energy. I haven't driven in days, they're both getting ready to take their driver's tests. And my second son and his wife just bought their first home, so we all helped them move in - which was fun. The pictures I took of the move and them sitting on the steps with my 8 year old grandson will be part of the family history, talked about and passed down for generations.
You don't realize that, of course, while you're doing that. It's just another day in your life.
But having spent some time recently going through old family stories of my grandfather's life and death, and photos of my own early life and marriages - and even my youngest son's early days only 15 or 16 years ago - I am somewhat stunned now by how meaningful these every day events can be.
Right now I am preparing to attend my first mother-in-law's funeral two states away this coming week-end. The past comes very much to mind - I do not have many photographs of Rosemary, and not even that many memories, not enough.
Whenever someone dies, I find myself sobbing not so much at their passing, but at the things I did not do with them, the things I did not say. It's all about me, still (sigh). Life is so short, and I still don't get it. And a death is about our losses, as well as the losses of the world.
I saw Rosemary last summer, but she wasn't herself. In her 80's she had been suffering from Parkinson's for some time. It had the same effect, after awhile, as Alzheimer's -- it steals away much of the memory and When I saw her, it was clear that the Rosemary I'd known, the person she was, was pretty much gone.
And yet, nobody could mourn that passing. It's an awkward state. She'd known it was coming before she left, and that makes me want to cry, although knowing the woman she was, I imagine she handled that better than most anyone could have.
She was an awesome woman. I met her when I was 19, pregnant with her 18 year old son's child. I have three sons - I don't think I would have been so kind, loving, accepting, funny, direct and genuine in the same situation (and I hope I don't have to find out - only one more to go). I know she wasn't perfect, but she was emotionally healthy, something pretty unfamiliar to me, and I loved her.
Her son and I were, of course, much too young for our marriage to survive under the circumstances we gave it. She included me every Christmas in her mailing of her funny Christmas letter she sent out to friends. She called me to let me know her husband died, though I expect she called me to let her grandson know his grandfather died. She was always there, and I know it was because she loved my ex-husband and my son, not because she thought I was marvelous (though back in those days, so hungry for mother love, I saw it that way). She treated me like I was a good person, when I felt I wasn't. I think she probably was like that with most people. She gave me my first new car in 1978.
She has always been my role-model for what a mother-in-law could be, as well as what a mother could be. I was sad to see that she was there and yet gone last summer - this week as I get ready to go to the funeral, I find memories of her as I knew her popping into my mind.
She had a big toothed smile and a hearty laugh you had to love. I remember and feel both loss and joy for the her I knew, which was just a touch of Rosemary.
You don't realize that, of course, while you're doing that. It's just another day in your life.
But having spent some time recently going through old family stories of my grandfather's life and death, and photos of my own early life and marriages - and even my youngest son's early days only 15 or 16 years ago - I am somewhat stunned now by how meaningful these every day events can be.
Right now I am preparing to attend my first mother-in-law's funeral two states away this coming week-end. The past comes very much to mind - I do not have many photographs of Rosemary, and not even that many memories, not enough.
Whenever someone dies, I find myself sobbing not so much at their passing, but at the things I did not do with them, the things I did not say. It's all about me, still (sigh). Life is so short, and I still don't get it. And a death is about our losses, as well as the losses of the world.
I saw Rosemary last summer, but she wasn't herself. In her 80's she had been suffering from Parkinson's for some time. It had the same effect, after awhile, as Alzheimer's -- it steals away much of the memory and When I saw her, it was clear that the Rosemary I'd known, the person she was, was pretty much gone.
And yet, nobody could mourn that passing. It's an awkward state. She'd known it was coming before she left, and that makes me want to cry, although knowing the woman she was, I imagine she handled that better than most anyone could have.
She was an awesome woman. I met her when I was 19, pregnant with her 18 year old son's child. I have three sons - I don't think I would have been so kind, loving, accepting, funny, direct and genuine in the same situation (and I hope I don't have to find out - only one more to go). I know she wasn't perfect, but she was emotionally healthy, something pretty unfamiliar to me, and I loved her.
Her son and I were, of course, much too young for our marriage to survive under the circumstances we gave it. She included me every Christmas in her mailing of her funny Christmas letter she sent out to friends. She called me to let me know her husband died, though I expect she called me to let her grandson know his grandfather died. She was always there, and I know it was because she loved my ex-husband and my son, not because she thought I was marvelous (though back in those days, so hungry for mother love, I saw it that way). She treated me like I was a good person, when I felt I wasn't. I think she probably was like that with most people. She gave me my first new car in 1978.
She has always been my role-model for what a mother-in-law could be, as well as what a mother could be. I was sad to see that she was there and yet gone last summer - this week as I get ready to go to the funeral, I find memories of her as I knew her popping into my mind.
She had a big toothed smile and a hearty laugh you had to love. I remember and feel both loss and joy for the her I knew, which was just a touch of Rosemary.
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